National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AR-447 Argentina and Chile, Act of Puerto Montt, Final Act and Joint Commission meetings Item 1978-04-06 View
BB-AR-448 Argentina, Law 21778 concerning risk contracts for exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons Item 1978-04-01 View
BB-AR-451 Chilean speeches to the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States Item 1978-12-22 View
BB-AR-456 Argentine press article concerning the Beagle Channel dispute Item 1979-12-18 View
BB-AR-465 Argentina, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Acta Final de la Cuarta Reunion de Consulta de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores Item 1951-04-07 View
BB-AU-802 Australia, Prime Minister (Bob Hawke) "Statement by the Prime Minister Antarctic Policy" Item 1990-11-23 View
BB-AU-804 Prime Minister, Australia (Bob Hawke) "Transcript of News Conference" concerning Antarctic environment initiative Item 1990-11-28 View
BB-BE-2 Chilean note to Brussels concerning Belgian interest in Antarctica Item 1958-1-08 View
BB-BE-3 Belgian note to the United States accepting the invitation to attend an international conference Item 1958-05-01 View
BB-BE-7 Belgian law to ban Antarctic mining and protect the Antarctic environment, drafts Item 1989-06-01 View
BB-BE-8 Belgian law to ban Antarctic mining and protect the Antarctic environment, Greenpeace commentary Item 1989-07-05 View
BB-BE-9 Press article "La conference du traite de l'Antarctique: l'environment" Nouvelle Gazette; and related articles Item 1989-12-01 View
BB-BR-1 Brazilian note that it considers itself entitled to be recognised as a Consultative Party Item 1983-08-23 View
BB-BR-3 Brazil, United Nations General Assembly, "A brief history of Brazil's interest and activities in Antarctica", Document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-07-18 View
BB-BR-6 Brazilian note concerning membership of CCAMLR Item 1986-08-01 View
BB-CO-1 Colombia, Diario Oficial, Law 67 implementing the Antarctic Treaty; Decree 1690 of 1990 establishing an Antarctic commission Item 1988-12-19 View
BB-EC-2 United States, note concerning Ecuador's entitlement to be recognised as Consultative Item 1990-01-02 View
BB-EC-3 Ecuador, note concerning Antarctic activities of the Republic of Ecuador Item 1989-11-21 View
BB-EU-3 European Parliament, Committee on External Economic Relations, draft report on the economic significance of Antarctica Item 1987-04-01 View
BB-EU-5 European Parliament, Resolution on the economic significance of Antarctica, recap of debate Item 1987-09-18 View
BB-EU-6 Press article "Antarctica" Environmental Policy and Law Item 1987-10-01 View
BB-DE-13 Federal Republic of Germany note the United States concerning the reunification of Germany, and US Secretary of State advice to Antarctic Treaty Parties Item 1990-10-02 View
BB-DE-17 Federal Republic of Germany, Antarctic Research Programme, summary, and related press article Item 1980-01-01 View
BB-DE-19 Press article "Diplomat who never was is quoted by East Germany" Canberra Times Item 1982-07-29 View
BB-DE-2 Report of the discoveries and claims made by the German Antarctic Expedition of 1938-1939 Item 1939-04-11 View
BB-DE-21 Federal Republic of Germany, Parliamentary debates, Antarctic minerals convention Item 1989-06-01 View
BB-DE-4 Report of the visit of the German Antarctic Expedition ship 'Deutschland' to South Georgia Item 1913-01-08 View
BB-IN-11 Press article "Indian expedition to Antarctica" Indian & Foreign Review, and related articles Item 1983-05-15 View
BB-IN-3 India, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-06-12 View
BB-IT-3 Italy, Chamber of Deputies, motion on Antarctica Item 1989-09-28 View
BB-IT-6 United States note concerning notification by Italy that it considers itself entitled to be recognised as a Consultative Party, and Italian information provided. Item 1987-07-27 View
BB-FK-1 United Nations General Assembly, 18th session, Official Records of the General Assembly concerning independence for colonial countries and peoples Item 1963-11-20 View
BB-FK-18 United Nations General Assembly, 33rd session, letters from the United Kingdom and Argentina concerning implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Item 1978-02-01 View
BB-FK-19 United Nations General Assembly, 33rd session, Report of the Special Committee on the situation with regard to implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Item 1978-09-01 View
BB-FK-20 United Nations General Assembly, 33rd session, Working paper by the Secretariat of the Committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of the declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples concerning the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Item 1980-07-24 View
BB-FK-25 Argentina, "Brief history of the Malvinas Islands" Item 1982-03-01 View
BB-FK-26 Argentina, United Kingdom, Joint communique on negotiations concerning the future of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands; and related press article Item 1982-03-01 View
BB-FK-27 Press article "la Argentina envio naves de guerra a las georgias" and related articles in La Nacion Item 1982-03-27 View
BB-FK-28 United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, South Georgia (Falkland Islands Dependencies) Item 1982-03-30 View
BB-FK-29 Press article 'Appeal to UK to confront Argentines' Canberra Times and a related article Item 1982-03-31 View
BB-FK-32 United Kingdom, Parliamentary Debates, Falkland Islands Item 1982-04-02 View
BB-FK-33 British press statement Argentina's invasion of the Falkland Islands Item 1982-04-02 View
BB-FK-35 US Department of State, White House statements concerning military activities at the Falkland Islands/Malvinas Item 1982-04-02 View
BB-FK-40 United Kingdom, announcement of a maritime exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands Item 1982-04-07 View
BB-FK-44 US, Secretary of State and President, statements concerning the Falklands conflict; includes statement from the Organization of American States Item 1982-04-13 View
BB-FK-49 Collier "The First Falklands War? Argentine attitudes" International Affairs Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-57 Australia, Parliamentary debates, Senate Hansard "Falkland Islands dispute"; and related record Item 1982-05-25 View
BB-FK-59 Falklands/Malvinas conflict, Argentine note to the Twentieth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Organisation of American States; and related statements and resolutions Item 1982-05-28 View
BB-FK-66 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, June 1-11, 1982 Item 1982-06-11 View
BB-FK-70 UN Chronicle articles concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict, July 1982 Item 1982-07-01 View
BB-FK-72 United Nations Security Council and General Assembly, documents concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict, October 1982 to November 1983 Item 1983-11-30 View
BB-FK-75 "The South Atlantic Crisis: Background, Consequences, Documentation" US Department of State Bulletin Item 1982-05-28 View
BB-FK-76 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs "Reconstitution of the Tri-Service Junta" Backgrounder Item 1982-09-29 View
BB-FK-87 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, August 1982 Item 1982-08-01 View
BB-FK-92 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, February-May 1983 Item 1983-05-31 View
BB-FK-101 Australia, Parliamentary debates, Senate Hansard, "Falkland Islands dispute"; and House of representatives 5 May 1982 Item 1982-04-28 View
BB-FK-106 United States, Secretary's Statement concerning the Falklands/Malvinas dispute Item 1982-04-30 View
BB-FK-97 United Nations Security Council, statement by Ambassador Euduardo A Roca concerning the Malvinas Item 1982-04-25 View
BB-FK-98 Australia, Prime Minister, "The Falklands dispute" Backgrounder Item 1982-04-02 View
BB-FR-102 British notes concerning the annexation by France of St Paul and Amsterdam Islands Item 1892-10-07 View
BB-FR-108 Correspondence concerning the limits of Adélie Land Item 1933-09-23 View
BB-FR-112 France, Administration of TAAF; and Orders concerning administrative arrangements for French Southern and Antarctic Lands 1962-1969 Item 1962-01-01 View
BB-FR-115 France, Decree no. 67-897 concerning territorial organisation of defence Item 1967-10-12 View
BB-FR-120 France, Assemblée Nationale, Senate, "Projet de Loi" Law projects relating to the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, May-June 1971 Item 1971-05-21 View
BB-NZ-79 New Zealand, Parliamentary question concerning the legal basis of the Ross Dependency Item 1923-08-15 View
BB-NZ-82 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom concerning the application of the Order in Council establishing the Ross Dependency Item 1925-02-24 View
BB-NZ-87 British to Norway concerning the status of the Ross Ice Shelf, the basis of claim to King Edward VII Land and the South Polar Plateau Item 1927-12-09 View
BB-NZ-89 New Zealand offer of assistance to the First Byrd Antarctic Expedition Item 1928-12-01 View
BB-NZ-95 United States note to the UK concerning US postal facilities operating in the Ross Dependency during the concerning the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition Item 1934-11-14 View
BB-US-63 Information concerning possible United States claim to Wilkes Land Item 1927-04-01 View
BB-US-64 Information concerning Commander Richard Byrd claiming land on behalf of the United States Item 1929-02-21 View
BB-US-72 US policy and information statement on polar regions Item 1946-07-01 View
BB-US-78 US, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948 to 1950, exchange of notes concerning Antarctic claims and internationalisation Item 1950-01-01 View
BB-US-82 United States Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, testimony concerning the Antarctic Treaty Item 1960-06-04 View
BB-US-90 United States, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, reports on consideration of Antarctic Conservation Act of 1977, Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978, and related press article Item 1978-05-01 View
BB-US-95 Press articles concerning the Mount Erebus air disaster Item 1985-01-02 View
BB-US-104 United States, Department of State, Final Environmental Impact Statement on the Negotiation of an International Regime for Antarctic Mineral Resources, 1982 Item 1982-01-01 View
BB-US-106 John Negroponte "The success of the Antarctic Treaty" Current Policy, and related articles Item 1987-03-27 View
BB-US-119 United States Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, hearings on Antarctic minerals convention, various documents and testimony Item 1990-03-14 View
BB-US-123 United States Senate, Joint Resolution HJR 418 Item 1990-10-15 View
BB-US-127 United States Congress, media statement by Silvio Conte, Bruce Vento, Al Gore Item 1990-10-15 View
BB-US-129 United States House of Representatives, Curtis Bohlen, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, testimony before the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Subcommittee Item 1991-03-05 View
BB-AU-807 Australia, "Question of Antarctica" United Nations, First Committee 21 November 1989 Item 1989-11-21 View
BB-AU-809 Australia, Prime Minister (Bob Hawke), speech, "Antarctica's future: continuity or change?" Australian Institute of International Affairs, Item 1989-11-18 View
BB-AU-811 Australia, Foreign Affairs and Trade, news release "Australia and Italy work together in Antarctica" Item 1992-08-09 View
BB-AU-812 Universal Postal Union, Australian declaration Item 1989-12-14 View
BB-CL-278 Chile, Decree 598 concerning appointments to the Chilean Antarctic Commission Item 1947-05-31 View
BB-NZ-158 New Zealand, Antarctica (Environmental Protection) Act 1974, includes the 1993 Bill Item 1994-12-06 View
BB-US-135 United States, White House joint statement on the environment concerning the US and the USSR Item 1990-06-03 View
BB-GB-459 United Kingdom, Oil Spill Contingency Plan, British Antarctic Survey, Rothera, and related plan for Signy Item 1993-10-13 View
BB-AU-822 Australian Antarctic Foundation, newsletters Item 1993-03-01 View
BB-AU-824 Press article "Antarctic care plan urged as vital step" The Mercury Item 1990-05-01 View
BB-CH-4 Australia, extract of cablegram concerning Swiss accession to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1990-09-25 View
BB-US-137 United States "Bill would protect the Antarctic" Congressional Quarterly Item 1990-07-21 View
BB-US-141 US Department of State, correspondence from the National Science Foundation concerning a rule-making proposal Item 1990-07-24 View
BB-AR-471 Argentina, Decree no. 10,367 and Decree no. 1,717 concerning air navigation and Argentine territorial sea Item 1960-01-01 View
BB-AR-475 Argentina, Law no. 17,500 promoting the exploration of the resources of the Argentine territorial sea Item 1967-10-25 View
BB-AR-478 Law no. 20,136 amending law no 17,500 prohibiting fishing by foreign vessels in Argentine territorial waters Item 1973-02-05 View
BB-AR-480 Enrique Jorge Pierrou "Toponomia del sector Antartico Argentino" Item 1970-01-01 View
BB-AR-482 Argentina, press statement "Antarctica: USA/Argentina—Bahia Paraiso" Item 1990-05-18 View
Results 301 to 400 of 2816