National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AR-57 Press article on national claims in Antarctica "British claims" Item 1939-07-24 View
BB-AR-6 British note to the Province of Buenos Aires protesting at the Decree of 10 June 1829 Item 1829-11-18 View
BB-AR-7 Note of the United States Consul to Buenos Aires protesting asserted jurisdictions over American vessels fishing in the Falkland and other islands Item 1831-11-26 View
BB-AR-73 British despatch from Buenos Aires reporting Argentina's moves concerning postal and wireless facilities in the South Orkney Islands Item 1941-11-14 View
BB-AR-77 British despatch to Buenos Aires giving instructions for the despatch of a note of protest to Argentina Item 1942-06-27 View
BB-AR-79 Argentine note to the Universal Postal Union Item 1943-01-01 View
BB-AR-83 Argentina, Decree no. 1,386 concerning mineral reserves on land and under sea Item 1944-01-24 View
BB-AR-90 Press report containing letter by Dr Leopoldo Melo on Argentine reservations of rights over southern territories at Panama and Havana conference 1939 Item 1946-12-02 View
BB-AR-92 Argentine statement with reference to its rights in Antarctica and means of adjustment of claims of other American states Item 1946-12-06 View
BB-AR-94 Argentina, Decree no. 22,493 M.1152 adding a representative of the Council of National Defense to the National Antarctic Commission Item 1946-12-20 View
BB-AR-97 Argentine report on the establishment of the permanent meteorological station in South Orkney Islands Item 1947-01-24 View
BB-AR-141 Argentina. Decree No. 9905 establishing the administrative unit of the Argentine Antarctic Sector of the Governor of the National Territory of Tierra del Fuego Item 1948-04-07 View
BB-AR-143 Report of a United Nations committee defining the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands as including territories such as South Georgia Island, South Sandwich Islands and the British Antarctic Territories Item 1970-10-27 View
BB-AR-146 Joint declaration of Argentina and Chile Item 1976-09-03 View
BB-AR-151 Argentine message declining to countenance the removal of Argentine workers from South Georgia Island Item 1982-03-28 View
BB-AR-154 Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council drawing attention to the situation of tension arising from British action concerning South Georgia Island (S/14940) Item 1982-04-01 View
Results 2801 to 2816 of 2816