National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AU-554 Whaling Industry Act 1949-1952 Item 1949-07-12 View
BB-AU-555 Historical notes on Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1950-01-01 View
BB-AU-556 The establishment of a scientific research station on the Antarctic mainland Item 1953-03-30 View
BB-AU-572 Australian Antarctic Territory, Appointment of a Deputy Coroner Item 1958-12-03 View
BB-AU-575 Proclamation fixing the day of commencement of the Antarctic Treaty Act 1960 Item 1961-09-09 View
BB-AU-576 Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1963 Item 1963-05-28 View
BB-AU-579 Wireless Telegraphy Act 1905-1950, Special Licence Item 1967-01-01 View
BB-AU-582 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967-1973 Item 1967-11-22 View
BB-AR-179 Papal Bull Inter Caetera (extract) Item 1493-05-04 View
BB-AR-184 Treaty of recognition, peace and amity between Argentina and Spain Item 1859-07-09 View
BB-AR-189 Letter from the leader of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition to the British Minister at Buenos Aires concerning the meteorological station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1903-12-01 View
BB-AR-193 Decree concerning the administrative division of the Argentine National Territory (extracts) Item 1904-05-19 View
BB-AR-196 Account by members of the Scottish National Expedition of the South Orkney Islands and the meteorological station on them Item 1906-01-01 View
BB-AR-205 British despatch to Buenos Aires instructing the British Minister to send a note concerning the erection of an Argentine wireless station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1925-06-23 View
BB-AR-207 British note Argentina indicating that the United Kingdom presumed that Argentina did not assert sovereignty over British islands Item 1926-04-14 View
BB-AR-213 Argentine memorandum to the United Kingdom reaffirming the Argentine note to the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union asserting Argentine jurisdiction over Antarctic and other territories Item 1928-01-20 View
BB-AR-214 British note to the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union affirming British title to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and their dependencies including South Georgia and the South Orkney Islands Item 1928-05-30 View
BB-AR-217 United States note to Argentina seeking meteorological information from the Argentine station in the South Orkney Islands Item 1939-07-25 View
BB-AR-227 Chilean note to Argentina declining the Argentine proposal to send a Chilean ship on a joint Antarctic expedition with Argentina Item 1943-01-11 View
BB-AR-228 British memorandum to Argentina Item 1943-04-07 View
BB-GB-119 Foreign Office memorandum on the Falkland Islands and Dependencies Item 1936-02-03 View
BB-GB-122 Falkland Islands, Immigration Restriction Ordinance, no 3 of 1936 Item 1936-05-29 View
BB-GB-125 US note to UK reserving rights in Antarctica with respect to air navigation Item 1939-01-10 View
BB-GB-126 Universal Postal Convention protocol concerning air mail Item 1939-05-23 View
BB-GB-130 UK note to the US offering facilities in the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1939-12-05 View
BB-GB-131 US note to UK regarding offer of facilities in the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1939-12-26 View
BB-GB-132 UK note regarding Universal Postal Convention and agreement concerning inward letters Item 1941-11-12 View
BB-GB-134 UK report on establishment of a permanent British base in Antarctica Item 1944-05-06 View
BB-GB-136 Establishment of Deception Island public telegraph office Item 1946-02-01 View
BB-GB-138 Clarification of US position on Antarctic claims Item 1946-12-27 View
BB-GB-139 Postal history of the Falkland Island Dependencies Item 1947-01-01 View
BB-GB-140 Antarctic claims—recent diplomatic exchanges between Great Britain, Argentina and Chile Item 1948-01-01 View
BB-GB-141 Falkland Islands, Diplomatic privileges order and related orders Item 1947-11-21 View
BB-GB-146 UK airgram regarding territorial dispute with Argentina and Chile Item 1948-03-08 View
BB-GB-149 UK Parliamentary debates, Argentine and Chile (Bases, Antarctic) Item 1948-03-15 View
BB-GB-150 UK airgram concerning Argentine and Chilean bases in UK claimed territory Item 1948-03-18 View
BB-GB-153 Falkland Islands, Legislative Council Order in Council, no 2573 or 1948 Item 1948-11-26 View
BB-GB-155 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Interpretation and General Law Ordinance, no 6 of 1949 Item 1949-05-26 View
BB-GB-157 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Interpretation and General Law Ordinance, no 15 of 1949 Item 1949-12-29 View
BB-GB-159 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Penguins Preservation Ordinance, no 27 of 1949 Item 1949-12-29 View
BB-GB-163 Falkland Islands (Legislative Council) (Amendment) Order in Council, no 1184 of 1950 Item 1950-07-21 View
BB-GB-164 Falkland Islands, Continental Shelf Order in Council 1950 Item 1950-12-21 View
BB-GB-166 Falkland, Revised Edition of the Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, no 10 of 1950 Item 1950-12-30 View
BB-GB-168 Falkland Islands Dependencies, ordinance to amend the Dependencies Ordinance, no 3 of 1950 Item 1950-12-30 View
BB-GB-172 Falkland Islands, Wireless Telegraphy Regulations Item 1950-12-31 View
BB-GB-178 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Dependencies (Amendment) Ordinance, no 1 of 1951 Item 1951-04-24 View
BB-GB-179 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Interpretation and General Law Ordinance, no 2 of 1951 Item 1951-04-25 View
BB-GB-180 UK Parliamentary Debates, Argentine and Chile (British territory violations) Item 1951-07-02 View
BB-GB-183 Falkland Islands, Consular Conventions (Kingdom of Norway) Order in Council, no 8 of 1951 Item 1951-10-19 View
BB-GB-186 Falkland Islands, Revised Edition of the Laws (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance, no 7 of 1951 Item 1951-11-26 View
BB-GB-191 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Revised Edition of the Laws (Amendment) (Dependencies) Ordinance, no 8 of 1951 Item 1951-12-01 View
BB-GB-195 Falkland Islands, consular conventions ordinances Item 1953-01-01 to 1958-01-01 View
BB-GB-200 Falkland Islands Letter Patent, 1954 Item 1954-07-05 View
BB-GB-211 Falkland Islands, Wild Animals and Birds Protection Order, no 3 of 1955 Item 1955-11-15 View
BB-GB-223 Falkland Islands, Whaling (Amendment) Regulations, no 3 of 1958 Item 1958-09-18 View
BB-GB-227 United Kingdom, Geneva Conventions Act (Colonial Territories) Order in Council Item 1959-07-28 View
BB-GB-252 Falkland Islands, Nature Reserves Ordinance, no 8 of 1964 Item 1964-05-27 View
BB-GB-255 United Kingdom, South Atlantic Territories, British Antarctic Territory (Amendment) Order, no 1396 of 1964 Item 1964-09-02 View
BB-GB-257 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws Ordinance, no 4 of 1965 Item 1965-09-20 View
BB-GB-259 Falkland Islands, Fisheries Ordinance, Trout and Salmon Fishing Regulations, no 5 of 1964 Item 1964-10-23 View
BB-GB-261 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery (Amendment) Ordinance, no 13 of 1964 Item 1964-10-30 View
BB-GB-262 Falkland Islands, Wild Animals and Birds Protection Ordinance, no 15 of 1964 Item 1964-10-30 View
BB-GB-268 British Antarctic Territory, Colonial Probates Act Application Order 1965 Item 1965-08-03 View
BB-AR-10 Note of the United States chargé d'affaires to Buenos Aires Chargé d'affaires concerning the seizure and detention of American fishing vessels in the Malvinas (extract) Item 1832-06-20 View
BB-AR-101 Press articles on the "Brattegg" incident Item 1948-03-05 View
BB-AR-103 Argentine report on the Antarctic concerning whaling industry Item 1947-03-06 View
BB-AR-105 Argentine report on the geography and content of the Argentine Antarctic sector Item 1947-03-12 View
BB-AR-107 Argentine report on the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of Argentine radio station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1947-03-25 View
BB-AR-11 American note to the Foreign Minister of the province of Buenos Aires giving details of the seizure and detention of American fishing vessels and crews Item 1832-06-20 View
BB-AR-113 Speech of Argentine President Peron concerning internal and international peace Item 1947-07-06 View
BB-AR-115 Argentina, Decree no. 3,901 M.130 granting full powers to Dr. Pascal La Rose to initiate discussions with Chile on Antarctica Item 1948-02-12 View
BB-AR-12 Note of the United States chargé d'affaires giving detail of American objections to the seizure of American sealing ships in the Falkland Islands Item 1832-07-10 View
BB-AR-128 Argentina, Decree no. 36,962 M.1160 replacing the representative of the Department of Agriculture on the National Antarctic Commission Item 1948-12-02 View
BB-AR-129 United States statement welcoming the Tripartite Naval Declaration between Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom Item 1949-01-18 View
BB-AR-131 Argentine reservation made at the Inter-American Commission of dependant territories, Havana Item 1949-03-25 View
BB-AR-134 Argentina, Decree no. 10,901 M.441 replacing a representative of the Ministry of the Navy on the National Antarctic Commission Item 1949-05-07 View
BB-AR-136 Argentina, Decree no. 22,588 accepting the resignation of Dr. Pascual La Rosa as president of the National Antarctic Commission Item 1949-09-14 View
BB-AR-137 United States note to the members of the World Meteorological Organization notifying them of the Argentine reservation to the British notification regarding Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Item 1949-08-01 View
BB-AR-19 Decree authorising an expedition to Tierra del Fuego Item 1881-10-22 View
BB-AR-24 British note to Argentina concerning the operation of the meteorological station in the South Orkney Islands Item 1903-12-29 View
BB-AR-27 Despatch of the British minister at Buenos Aires concerning the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition Item 1904-01-22 View
BB-AR-30 Account of Argentine meteorological station Item 1905-01-01 View
BB-AU-315 Staples, Peter "Cousteau warms to audio-sonic ocean project' Sunday Tasmanian Item 1990-02-25 View
BB-AU-319 Raymond, Robert "Frozen Assets" Panorama "Antarctica: the tourist move in" Item 1990-04-01 View
BB-AU-323 House of Representatives, Daily Hansard, Governor General's speech on the environment Item 1990-05-08 View
BB-AU-324 Darby, Andrew "$1m airstrip flop: try harder" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1990-05-22 View
BB-AU-326 "Antarctic law study 'vital" Canberra Times Item 1990-06-18 View
BB-AU-327 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Oil Spill at Casey Station" Item 1990-06-21 View
BB-AU-330 Australian Antarctic Division "Antarctic fuel spill: information update" Item 1990-06-25 View
BB-AU-333 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs "Legal Regimes of Australia's External Territories" Item 1990-06-16 View
BB-AU-337 Parliamentary Question on mining in Antarctica Item 1990-08-21 View
BB-AU-341 Cablegram "Proclamation of Australia's 12 nautical mile territorial sea" Item 1990-11-13 View
BB-AU-345 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Australian Exhibition promotes international efforts to protect Antarctica" Item 1990-11-29 View
BB-AU-347 Department of Foreign Affairs "Inspection team visits Antarctica" The Monthly Record Item 1991-02-07 View
BB-AU-349 Prime Minister (Bob Hawke) "Breakthrough in Antarctic negotiations" Item 1991-04-30 View
BB-AU-350 Department of Foreign Affairs "Antarctica" The Monthly Record quoting Hansard Item 1991-05-01 View
BB-AU-357 Bird, Michael "Voyage to the end of the world" Canberra Times Item 1991-12-11 View
BB-AU-360 Cumming, Fia "Strict new laws for oil tankers 'will protect seas" Canberra Times Item 1992-06-09 View
BB-AU-364 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Antarctica: new research season begins" Insight Item 1992-11-02 View
BB-AU-366 Australian Antarctic Division "Corporate Statement Antarctic Program" Item 1993-01-01 View
Results 2601 to 2700 of 2816