National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-GB-309 Spanish rights to Magellanic Islands Item 1829-07-28 View
BB-GB-319 British Foreign office memorandum concerning South Georgia Item 1893-03-03 View
BB-GB-330 Falkland Islands, Interpretation and General Law Ordinance, no 3 of 1900 Item 1900-05-22 View
BB-GB-335 Falkland Islands, Seal Fishery Amendment Ordinance, no 8 of 1904 Item 1904-10-10 View
BB-GB-336 Letter concerning lease of South Georgia for sealing and mining Item 1905-07-22 View
BB-GB-341 Colonial Office letter to British Foreign Office concerning lease of South Georgia Item 1905-12-04 View
BB-GB-342 British Admiralty letter to Colonial Office concerning South Georgia and South Orkney Islands Item 1906-01-24 View
BB-GB-356 Letter from Colonial Office to British Foreign Office concerning whaling licenses in Falkland Islands waters Item 1907-10-25 View
BB-GB-358 Laws of the Colony of the Falkland Islands, Notification under the Dependencies Ordinance Item 1908-01-01 View
BB-GB-378 Falkland Islands, Letters patent providing for a Deputy Governor Item 1914-09-19 View
BB-GB-388 The Whaling Industry of the Dependencies of the Falkland Islands Item 1919-06-09 View
BB-GB-389 Memorandum relative to sealing in the Dependencies of the Falkland Islands Item 1919-06-09 View
BB-GB-391 Falkland Islands, Peace Preservation South Georgia (Aliens) Ordinance, no 6 of 1919 Item 1919-08-29 View
BB-GB-393 Colonial Office memorandum on British control of the Antarctic Item 1921-03-01 View
BB-GB-395 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery (Amendment) Ordinance, no 4 of 1923 Item 1923-11-23 View
BB-GB-399 British Foreign Office memorandum concerning the Falkland Island dependencies Item 1928-02-29 View
BB-GB-412 Claims made to Charcot Island Item 1929-12-29 View
BB-GB-413 British Foreign Office minute concerning the South Orkney Islands Item 1930-07-08 View
BB-GB-414 Whaling licenses and leases in South Orkney Islands Item 1930-07-26 View
BB-GB-419 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery (Amendment) Ordinance, no 1 of 1934 Item 1934-05-16 View
BB-GB-422 License for Lincoln Ellsworth to use South Shetland Harbour and to fly across Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1934-10-01 View
BB-NZ-11 New Zealand, Letter to United States concerning Byrd Antarctic Expedition Item 1928-11-26 View
BB-NZ-16 United States press release concerning United Kingdom areas subject to British claim in Byrd Expedition Item 1929-12-01 View
BB-NZ-18 Telegram to Admiral Byrd offering New Zealand assistance Item 1933-12-12 View
BB-NZ-2 Memorandum from the British Foreign Office to Colonial Office concerning lease of Possession Island Item 1887-22-08 View
BB-NZ-26 British note inviting the US to establish a base in the Ross Dependency Item 1939-11-17 View
BB-NZ-28 NZ Press statement concerning operation of US Antarctic expedition in the Ross Dependency Item 1946-12-28 View
BB-NZ-31 US Department of State statement regarding NZ and Antarctica Item 1951-07-30 View
BB-NZ-35 NZ statement on Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition Item 1955-01-12 View
BB-NZ-37 Activities in the Antarctic during the International Geophysical Year Item 1955-09-01 View
BB-NZ-44 NZ Parliament, commentary on the Antarctic Treaty Item 1960-05-01 View
BB-NZ-47 New Zealand, Antarctica Act Commencement Order Item 1961-06-27 View
BB-NZ-5 British Antarctic Expedition, Borchgrevink claim on Duke of York Island Item 1899-09-12 View
BB-NZ-51 Agreement between the New Zealand and the United States concerning the loan of a US naval vessel Item 1967-05-05 View
BB-NZ-52 Appointment of officers of the Government of the Ross Dependency Item 1969-10-08 View
BB-NZ-55 New Zealand, Antarctica (Specially Protected Areas) Order Item 1971-12-20 View
BB-NZ-57 New Zealand, Antarctica Act (Fauna and Flora) Regulations 1971, amendment no. 1 Item 1973-12-03 View
BB-NZ-63 New Zealand, Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978 Item 1978-10-20 View
BB-NZ-64 Press articles concerning Mount Erebus air crash Item 1980-01-01 View
BB-NZ-65 Press articles "Awaiting fresh supplies" and "Ice trip invite snarl left Labour in NZ" Item 1982-11-24 View
BB-NZ-66 "Gray pursues polar base" The Canberra Times, and "US base plan revived" The Mercury Item 1984-09-15 View
BB-FR-1 List of references to the Journal Official de République Francaise Item 1908-01-01 View
BB-FR-15 Decree for the regulation of whaling and sealing in French colonies Item 1914-04-12 View
BB-FR-16 Decree concerning coastal fishing on Madagascar Item 1922-06-05 View
BB-FR-24 Decree establishing a national park for the protection of certain species of birds and mammals Item 1924-12-30 View
BB-FR-28 Letter from the French Ambassador to the United Kingdom justifying the French claims to an enlarged sector for Adélie Land Item 1936-10-05 View
BB-FR-29 British note to France elaborating reasons for insisting upon confining Adélie Land to narrow limits Item 1937-10-13 View
BB-FR-32 British despatch to New Zealand concerning the French proposal for reciprocal rights of overflight in the Antarctic Item 1938-04-29 View
BB-GB-426 United Kingdom, Falkland Islands, Appeals Ordinance, No 3, 1966 Item 1966-05-25 View
BB-GB-427 United Kingdom, Admiralty (Falkland Islands) Order, No 686, 1966 Item 1966-06-09 View
BB-GB-429 United Kingdom, Falkland Islands Dependencies, Ordinance to Apply Certain Laws of the Colony to the Dependencies 1966, and related ordinances to 1978 Item 1966-09-09 View
BB-GB-438 Falkland Islands Gazette, notice inviting applications for sealing licenses on South Georgia Item 1972-04-25 View
BB-GB-441 United Kingdom, 'Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) (Falkland Islands) Order 1975 Item 1975-12-19 View
BB-GB-444 United Kingdom, Parliamentary debates, House of Commons statement concerning Antarctic resources, and related debate in the House of Lords Item 1977-11-09 View
BB-GB-449 United Kingdom Parliament, Written Answer concerning the British Antarctic Survey Item 1982-11-08 View
BB-GB-454 UK, House of Commons Debate, "Antarctic Treaty" Item 1977-11-09 View
BB-ES-5 Antarctica, Spanish editorial, in Australia, Inward Cablegram Item 1990-11-26 View
BB-JP-10 "Japan's fundamental views regarding Antarctica", United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-07-24 View
BB-JP-12 British telegram concerning Japanese flights to confirm claims Item 1940-01-12 View
BB-JP-13 Japan, authorisation of Japanese whaling expeditions in the Antarctic Item 1949-07-27 View
BB-JP-15 Japan, references to the evacuation of its station in 1958, and re-opening of Syowa in 1966 Item 1958-01-01 View
BB-JP-16 United States of America and Japan, Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds in Danger of Extinction, and their Environment, and related list of endangered birds in Japan Item 1972-03-04 View
BB-JP-17 Press article: Hamish McDonald "Japanese to search for Antarctic oil" The Age, and related articles to 1982 Item 1980-11-18 View
BB-JP-19 Press article concerning Japan's intentions to build its third Antarctic station Item 1983-06-14 View
BB-JP-6 United States Memorandum concerning Japanese claims in the Antarctic Item 1946-01-14 View
BB-JP-8 Japanese note accepting the US invitation to an international conference on Antarctica, noted by Bush at JA08051958 Item 1958-05-08 View
BB-KR-1 Press articles concerning South Korean krill survey and accession to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1979-01-01 View
BB-PE-2 Peru Foreign Ministry, Press release announcing accession to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1981-04-11 View
BB-PL-1 Poland, text of press release concerning its request to participate in the Washington Conference Item 1959-04-03 View
BB-PL-3 Poland and the Antarctic Treaty, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-06-26 View
BB-SA-1 Press article "Experts pin great hopes on Saudi South Pole visit" Riyadh Daily, and related articles Item 1989-09-11 View
BB-NZ-102 Joint announcement concerning the maintenance of Hallett Station, US Naval Air Facility in McMurdo Sound, and Scott Base beyond the end of the IGY Item 1958-12-23 View
BB-NZ-111 Administration of New Zealand Antarctic affairs Item 1978-01-01 View
BB-NZ-112 New Zealand, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Act 1981 Item 1981-10-20 View
BB-NZ-128 Press article "Aust and NZ closer about Antarctica" Canberra Times, and related articles Item 1989-07-04 View
BB-NZ-130 New Zealand, brief to the Minister for Tourism Item 1989-08-01 View
BB-NZ-139 New Zealand, Parliament, transcript of debate, "Ratification of the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities" Item 1990-02-27 View
BB-NZ-140 New Zealand, Prime Minister, transcript of radio interview Item 1990-02-28 View
BB-NZ-141 New Zealand, Prime Minister, press statement "Antarctic policy" Item 1990-05-17 View
BB-NZ-142 New Zealand, Prime Minister, press statement "Antarctic environmental policy" and related press article Item 1990-07-06 View
BB-NZ-145 New Zealand, Opposition Leader, transcript of speech on the environment Item 1990-08-03 View
BB-NZ-155 New Zealand, Antarctic Institute Bill Item 1996-05-17 View
BB-NZ-77 Order in Council under the British Settlements Act 1887, providing for the government of the Ross Dependency Item 1923-07-30 View
BB-NZ-80 Regulations applying the law of New Zealand to the Ross Dependency Item 1923-11-14 View
BB-NZ-81 Appointment of an officer of the government of the Ross Dependency Item 1923-11-14 View
BB-NZ-83 British reply to Norway concerning the application of the Order in Council establishing the Ross Dependency Item 1925-11-03 View
BB-NZ-84 Ross Dependency Whaling Regulations, 1926 Item 1926-11-01 View
BB-NZ-86 Norwegian note to the UK querying the status of the Ross Ice Shelf, the basis of claim to King Edward VII Land and the South Polar Plateau Item 1927-05-13 View
BB-US-66 US State Department account of national claims in the Antarctic Item 1930-07-02 View
BB-US-69 Report on the establishment of the US Antarctic Service, and correspondence to Byrd from President Roosevelt Item 1939-07-07 View
BB-US-73 United States, Antarctic region, current US policy Item 1947-01-27 View
BB-US-77 United States, Department of State press release concerning the territorial problem of Antarctica, and related commentary Item 1948-08-28 View
BB-US-79 Press articles concerning Byrd Polar Expeditions and United States Antarctic claims Item 1954-08-23 View
BB-US-83 United States Congressional Record, Senate, discussion concerning ratification of the Antarctic Treaty Item 1960-08-09 View
BB-US-84 United States, Presidential correspondence concerning acceptance and ratification of the Antarctic Treaty Item 1964-07-31 View
BB-US-85 United States report on Antarctic policy and international cooperation Item 1964-09-02 View
BB-US-86 United States, Marine Mammal Protection Act 1972 Item 1972-10-21 View
BB-US-93 United States, White House, Presidential statement on US Antarctic Program Item 1982-03-29 View
BB-US-101 United States, Executive Order 12114, Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions, and Council on Environmental Quality policy Item 1979-01-04 View
BB-US-102 United States, National Environmental Policy Act, background information and Executive Order 12114 Item 1979-01-04 View
Results 2301 to 2400 of 2816