National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-GB-308 Discovery and taking possession of South Orkney Islands Item 1821-12-07 View
BB-GB-310 Act to enable Her Majesty to provide for the Government on the Coast of Africa and in the Falkland Islands Item 1843-04-11 View
BB-GB-316 Admiralty letter to British Foreign Office concerning South Georgia Island Item 1893-01-21 View
BB-GB-318 Colonial office letter to British Foreign Office concerning status of South Georgia Item 1893-02-27 View
BB-GB-325 British despatch from Buenos Aires reporting private plans in Argentina to explore Antarctic territories Item 1893-06-16 View
BB-GB-332 Falkland Islands, Land Ordinance, no 9 of 1903 Item 1903-12-18 View
BB-GB-333 Opinion of the British Law Officers of the Crown on questions concerning Ocean Island Item 1904-05-16 View
BB-GB-334 Letter from Admiralty to the British Foreign Office concerning the status of the South Orkney Islands Item 1904-03-26 View
BB-GB-343 Despatch from the Governor of Falkland Island to Colonial Office concerning British sovereignty in the South Atlantic Item 1906-02-26 View
BB-GB-345 Colonial Office letter to British Foreign Office concerning Argentina lease on South Georgia and implied acquiescence of sovereignty Item 1906-03-19 View
BB-GB-349 British memorandum to Norway concerning whaling Licence Item 1906-05-28 View
BB-GB-351 Falkland Islands, Interpretation and General Law Ordinance, no 6 of 1906 Item 1906-12-29 View
BB-GB-361 Notes concerning Graham Land Item 1909-01-01 View
BB-GB-362 Falkland Islands, Seal Fishery (Dependencies) Ordinance, no 6 o f 1909 Item 1909-10-20 View
BB-GB-363 Falkland Islands, Penguin Preservation (Dependencies) Ordinance, no 7 of 1909 Item 1909-10-20 View
BB-GB-366 Falkland Islands, Licensing (South Georgia) Ordinance, no 5 of 1911 Item 1911-01-01 View
BB-GB-373 Falkland Islands, Wild Animals and Bird Protection Amendment Ordinance, no 1 of 1913 Item 1913-03-22 View
BB-GB-375 Seal Fisheries (Crown Colonies and Protectorates) Order in Council, 1913 Item 1913-04-11 View
BB-GB-377 Falkland Islands, Penguin Preservation Ordinance, no 9 of 1914 Item 1914-07-24 View
BB-GB-382 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery Regulation Ordinance, no 5 of 1915 Item 1915-05-01 View
BB-GB-384 Falkland Islands, Order by the Governor in Council applying ordinances to the Dependencies Item 1915-12-03 View
BB-GB-385 Falkland Islands, Mining Ordinance, no 1 of 198 Item 1918-07-11 View
BB-GB-392 British despatch to Australia concerning future policy of the British Empire in the Antarctic Item 1920-02-06 View
BB-GB-396 Falkland Islands, Legislative Council, Resolution on Research Development Item 1924-12-22 View
BB-GB-398 Falkland Island, Wireless Telegraphy Ordinance Item 1925-11-30 View
BB-GB-402 Semi-official British letter to France concerning Letters Patent Item 1928-05-21 View
BB-GB-403 Telegram to Falkland Islands authorities granting authority to Hubert Wilkins to make claims Item 1928-10-15 View
BB-GB-417 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery (Amendment) Ordinance, no 3 of 1933 Item 1933-05-05 View
BB-GB-420 Great Britain, Whaling Industry (Regulation) Act Item 1934-07-31 View
BB-GB-421 Antarctic place names: notes for the guidance of explorers and cartographers Item 1934-08-09 View
BB-GB-423 Claims dropped by British Graham Land expedition over Alexander I Island Item 1935-05-09 View
BB-NZ-1 Letter from Sir James Ross regarding taking possession of South Victoria Land Item 1841-04-07 View
BB-NZ-15 Ross Dependency Whaling Regulations Item 1929-10-24 View
BB-AU-310 "State to feature in Antarctic film" The Mercury Item 1989-12-13 View
BB-AU-311 "Weather centre for Antarctica" Daily Telegraph Item 1989-12-25 View
BB-AU-313 Department of Foreign Affairs "Australian girl chosen for trip to Antarctica" Trade The Monthly Record Item 1990-01-07 View
BB-AU-316 Lester, Michael "Polar centre hopes" Sunday Tasmanian Item 1990-02-25 View
BB-AU-317 Australian Foreign Affairs and Trade "Antarctica: PM welcomes New Zealand's decision" The Monthly Record Item 1990-02-26 View
BB-AU-321 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Protecting Antarctica: an example of Courage" The Monthly Record Item 1990-03-01 View
BB-AU-334 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, media release "Committee Launches Antarctic Inquiry" Item 1990-06-17 View
BB-AU-335 Chaney, Fred, Shadow Minster for the Environment "Antarctic Mining Ban" Item 1990-08-17 View
BB-AU-336 Environment Minister "Kelly asks for opposition support on Antarctic ban" Item 1990-08-21 View
BB-AU-344 "Watson says Tasmania should take over Mawson" The Examiner Item 1990-11-27 View
BB-AU-353 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Environment Minister "Australia signs agreement to protect the Antarctic Environment" Item 1991-10-04 View
BB-AU-354 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade "Antarctica: An International Environment win for Australia" Item 1991-10-04 View
BB-AU-356 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "The importance of Antarctica to the Asian region" speech at "Asia in Antarctica" Conference Item 1991-11-02 View
BB-AU-365 Prime Minister Paul Keating "Australia's Environment: a Natural Asset, Statement on the Environment " Item 1992-12-21 View
BB-AU-369 Antarctic Division "Annual Plan 1992-93" Item 1993-06-01 View
BB-AU-371 Darby, Andrew "Women harassed in Antarctica" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1993-08-21 View
BB-AU-378 Woodford, James "Having a terrifying time … wish you were here" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1997-03-02 View
BB-AU-379 Woodford, James "Fifty years of Antarctic research celebrated in shadow of restless volcano" Item 1997-03-26 View
BB-AU-385 Bui, Minh "Antarctic art – for a cool $500" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1997-08-06 View
BB-AU-389 Woodford, James "Antarctic plan: tourists in, bases out" Item 1997-11-03 View
BB-AU-390 McGregor, Alasdair "Keeping Antarctica on ice" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1997-11-10 View
BB-NZ-19 Extract from New Zealand report regarding Ellsworth Expedition and Byrd Item 1933-12-13 View
BB-AR-34 British despatch from Buenos Aires concerning Argentine whaling activities on South Georgia Island Item 1905-08-01 View
BB-AR-39 Despatch to the Governor of the Falkland Islands concerning the system of whaling licences Item 1907-11-19 View
BB-AR-4 Reciprocal declarations between Great Britain and Spain signed at London and the Pardo Item 1771-01-28 View
BB-AR-40 Argentine decrees concerning expeditions to the South Orkney Islands Item 1909-01-01 View
BB-AR-42 Foreign Office minute on defect in British title to the Falkland Islands Item 1911-10-01 View
BB-AR-53 British despatch from Buenos Aires outlining Argentine arguments against British claims to Antarctic territories Item 1929-04-16 View
BB-AR-54 Argentina, Decree prohibiting the publication of official or non-official maps of the Argentine Republic, which do not represent the territory of the nation in its full extent Item 1937-09-18 View
BB-AR-56 Press article concerning Argentine Law no. 12407 approving the ratification of the Cairo Postal Convention with a reservation concerning the Malvinas/Falkland Islands and dependencies Item 1938-09-22 View
BB-AR-69 United States despatch from Buenos Aires commenting upon the Argentine note to Chile 12 November 1940 Item 1940-11-15 View
BB-AR-74 Argentina, Resolution no. 18.163 of the Ports and Telecommunications Administration establishing a post office on South Orkney Islands Item 1941-11-14 View
BB-AR-75 Argentina, Resolution no. 18.515 of the Ports and Telecommunications Administration providing for the cancellation of stamps at the post office on South Orkney Islands Item 1941-11-19 View
BB-AR-81 British note to Argentina returning an Argentinian plaque left on the South Shetland Islands Item 1943-02-11 View
BB-AR-82 Argentine memorandum to the British Embassy Item 1943-02-15 View
BB-AR-85 Argentina, Cuestions de Llmites y asuntos relacionados con el deslinde de jurisdicciones Item 1946-04-25 View
BB-AR-89 Argentina, Decree no 14,587 relating to security concerns Item 1946-01-01 View
BB-AR-99 Press article "The Antarctic dispute: British notes to Argentina" The Times Item 1948-02-09 View
BB-AR-144 Decree no. 8325 establishing the mission and functions of the Director General of the Antarctic and Malvinas Item 1972-11-27 View
BB-AR-148 Note presented to Zimbabwe on the Question of Antarctica Item 1986-01-01 View
BB-AR-165 Argentine announcement of an exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands Item 1982-04-29 View
BB-AR-169 Argentine statement criticising the British exclusion of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands from settlement proposals regarding the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Item 1982-05-21 View
BB-AR-173 Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council reporting of further British military action against the Argentine scientific base on the South Sandwich Islands and accusing the United Kingdom of violations of the cessation of hostilities (S/15241) Item 1982-06-19 View
BB-AR-174 British note to the United Nations Security Council notifying the recovery by the United Kingdom of possession of the South Sandwich Islands (S/15246) Item 1982-06-21 View
BB-AR-175 Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council contesting arguments in favour of the British claim to the South Sandwich Islands (S/15253) Item 1982-06-24 View
BB-AR-316 Press article concerning Argentine note protesting British removal of Argentina's personnel and buildings at Deception Island Item 1953-02- 21 View
BB-AR-325 UK Foreign Office concerning letter to The Times "Ships in the Antarctic" on the use of naval vessels in Antarctica Item 1950-12-28 View
BB-AR-348 Argentina, Decree 495, concerning recommendations adopted at the Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Washington Item 1981-06-23 View
BB-AR-349 Press article reporting Argentine communique calling for the acceleration of negotiations over Islas Malvinas Item 1981-07-27 View
BB-AR-355 Argentina, Law 22606 concerning the military governor of Islas Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Item 1982-06-10 View
BB-AR-358 Argentina, Decree 1057 concerning industrial development of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands Item 1983-05-11 View
BB-AR-359 Argentina, Decree 2363 concerning organisation structure of the Ministry of External Relations and Worship, Item 1983-09-19 View
BB-AR-372 Argentina, Decree 699 concerning air link with New Zealand Item 1986-05-13 View
BB-AR-375 Argentina, Decree concerning recommendations adopted at the Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires Item 1988-10-17 View
BB-AR-376 Argentina, statement by President Alfonsin on signing of the Antarctic minerals convention Item 1989-05-01 View
BB-AR-392 Argentina, Resolution 441 establishing a radio telegraph station at Marguerite Bay Item 1951-01-31 View
BB-AR-396 Argentina, various statements reserving Argentina's rights to Antarctic territories Item 1951-09-26 View
BB-AR-403 Chilean reservation of rights following establishment of Argentine shelter "Paso de los Andes" in Chilean Antarctic Territory; and Argentine reply Item 1958-03-27 View
BB-AR-405 Chilean reservation of rights following issue of Argentine stamps showing Antarctic territory claimed by Chile, and Argentina's reply Item 1958-07-30 View
BB-AR-407 Chilean note to Argentina reserving Chilean rights in connection with Argentine buildings at Margarita Bay, and Argentina's reply Item 1958-11-19 View
BB-AR-411 Chilean notes to Argentina concerning maps depicting Chilean Antarctic territory and reserving Chile's rights, and Argentina's response Item 1959-10-16 View
BB-AR-414 Argentine note accepting International Hydrographic Bureau limits of the South Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean Item 1960-11-01 View
BB-AR-422 Argentina, Decree 916, establishing the National Institute and Museum of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Item 1967-02-14 View
BB-AR-424 Argentina, Decree 136 establishing structure of the National Antarctic Directorate Item 1970-06-29 View
BB-AR-428 Argentine note to Chile regarding territorial claims Item 1973-07-02 View
BB-AR-429 United Nations Resolution 3160 urging resolution of the sovereignty dispute between United Kingdom and Argentina over the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Item 1973-12-14 View
BB-AR-445 Keesing's Contemporary Archives report on Argentina's rejection of Beagle Channel ruling, Item 1978-03-24 View
Results 201 to 300 of 2816