- Series3 - Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents
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- ItemBB-AQ-100 - Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo, Information paper 19 "Speech by Foreign Minister Knut Frydenlund at the opening of the 8th Consultative Meeting under the Antarctic Treaty, Oslo" (ANT/INF/19) (Norway)
- ItemBB-AQ-101 - Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, London, Working paper 19 Revision 1 "Some suggestions for studying the problem of oil pollution" (ANT/IX/19 Rev.1) (Argentina)
- ItemBB-AQ-102 - Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, London, Working paper 83 Revision 2 "Report of the Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (ANT/IX/83 Rev 2)
- ItemBB-AQ-103 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Preparatory meeting, Paris "Press release", and covering letter to the United Nations Secretary General
- ItemBB-AQ-93 - Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 15 "Le tourisme en Terre-Adelie" (XVIII ATCM/INFO 15) (France)
- ItemBB-AQ-94 - Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 11 Revision 1 "Agreed measures on tourism in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 11 Rev.1) (Chile, France)
- ItemBB-AQ-95 - Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 32 "Issues relating to the exercise of jurisdiction in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 32) (Uruguay)
- ItemBB-AQ-96 - Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 32 Revision 1 "Issues relating to the exercise of jurisdiction in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 32 Rev.1) (Uruguay)
- ItemBB-AQ-97 - Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires, Working paper 34 "The twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty and the functioning of the Antarctic Treaty System" (ANT/XI/34Add.2)
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