- Series3 - Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents
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- ItemBB-AQ-84 - New Zealand and the XXIst Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Christchurch 1997
- ItemBB-AQ-85 - Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Preparatory Meeting (Canberra) "Operation of the Antarctic Treaty" (ANT/XII/PREP/7/ADD.1) and (ANT/XII/PREP/7/ADD.2) (Chile)
- ItemBB-AQ-86 - Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) various information papers
- ItemBB-AQ-87 - Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Working paper 24 Revision 2 "Final report of the Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (ANT/XII/24/REV.2)
- ItemBB-AQ-88 - ATCM XII meeting paper "India Notification"
- ItemBB-AQ-89 - Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Working paper 24 Revision 1 "Final Report of the Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (ANT/XII/24/REV.1)
- ItemBB-AQ-90 - Antarctic Treaty, various documents concerning the Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and Preparatory Meeting, Brussels
- ItemBB-AQ-91 - Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, "Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" Backgrounder
- ItemBB-AQ-92 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, opening address by Mr Michel Rocard, Prime Minister
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